Friday, August 9, 2013

Apples to Apples

There are a lot of stories that feature apples, I've noticed.

- Eris and the Golden Apple of Discord (the one that started the Trojan War, according to Homer)

- St. Dorothy, who is said to have sent an angel with golden apples and golden roses to a Roman governor after her martyrdom

- Guinevere and the poisoned apple

- Snow White

- Popular imagery concerning Adam and Eve (Though thanks to Prof. Eric Jenislawski of Christendom College, I actually have an explanation for this one)

     I want to say there are more, but I can't think of them. Why apples? Is it because they are base or low or ubiquitous?
     Now for the fun fact about Adam and Eve and the "apple": Nowhere in Genesis does it say that the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was an apple, so. . . Why does everyone think of an apple? The Latin word for "apple" and the Latin word for "evil" are spelled exactly the same, minus a mere macron in certain works. So, Genesis translated into Latin, word is "malum" and somebody must have thought that it wasn't a coincidence that "malum" is either evil or apple. Tada! There's the explanation I got in 201. Fascinating class, that.
See, folks? This is why you should never buy a Mac. ;)

     Oh, and check this out, y'all! *squeal*

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